Italian site for trail orienteering


f = (RP + 1 - RS / (90 * nt)) * 100 / (nc + 1)

f - factor (information how competitor did with the course - 100 is the best theoretical result = all points and 0 seconds at time controls; 0 is the worst possible result = all wrong and max. time and all wrong answers at time controls (nt * 90))

RP - result points
RS - result seconds
nt - number of timed controls (90 is max. possible result at one time control)
nc - number of controls (without time controls)

P = f / f1 * 100
P - points for the Cup
f - factor of the competitor
f1 - factor of the winner


f = 100 * (1 - R / (nc * 60))

f - factor (information how competitor did with the course - 100 is the best theoretical result = 0 seconds; 0 is the worst possible result = max. time and all wrong answers (nc * 60))

R - result in seconds
nc - number of controls at all stations (60 is max. possible result at each control)

P = f / f1 * 100
P - points for the Cup
f - factor of the competitor
f1 - factor of the winner


f = 100 * (1 - R / ((nc+nt) * 60))

f - factor (information how competitor did with the course - 100 is the best theoretical result = 0 seconds; 0 is the worst possible result = max. time and all wrong answers (nc * 60))

R - result in seconds
nc - number of controls at all stations (60 is max. possible result at each control)

P = f / f1 * 100
P - points for the Cup
f - factor of the competitor
f1 - factor of the winner